Monday, 27 June 2016

AngularJS implementing pagination.

In this post I have implemented simple pagination in angular js. Please follow the following steps:

Step 1: Download pagination libraries from the following link:

Note : you only have to download two files from this link:
1. dirPagination.js
2. dirPagination.tpl.html.

Step 2: Drag dirPagination.js in your main view. For example my main view is index.html and I have dragged there this file.

Step 3: Now add "angularUtils.directives.dirPagination" in the app.js file as following:

var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute", "ngStorage", 'requestUtils',"ngDialog","angularUtils.directives.dirPagination"]);

Step 4: Now in the js controller file you need add following functions:

myApp.controller("itemCtrl", ["$scope", "$state", function ($scope, $state) {
        $scope.currentPage = 1;

        $scope.pageSize = 10;

        $scope.pageChangeHandler = function (newPageNumber) {
        //Here you can write the code to make ajax and get the records from database according to currentPage and page size.

Step 5: In the html view where you want to implement pagination please follow following:

<div class="col-md-3">
                <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search Text" name="inputSearch" value="" ng-model="searchKeyword" />
<table class="table table-condensed">
        <tr dir-paginate="item in vm.items | filter : searchKeyword | itemsPerPage: pageSize" current-page="currentPage">
    <tfoot class="text-center">
        <tr ng-show="vm.items.length !=0">
            <td colspan="10">
                <dir-pagination-controls boundary-links="true" on-page-change="pageChangeHandler(newPageNumber)" template-url="/dirPagination.tpl.html"></dir-pagination-controls>
        <tr ng-show="vm.items.length==0">
            <td colspan="10" class="text-center">No record found.</td>

Note : You need to place dirPagination.tpl.html somewhere in your project and set its path in like "template-url="/dirPagination.tpl.html". This template render the html for the pagination.

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